Thursday 1 June 2017


The Bro Code is an essential friendship etiquette (Guy Code Law) to be followed among men or, more specifically, among members of the bro subculture. Bro code is a guideline to live by between Bro’s.
You must always have your bro’s back. No exceptions.
If a bro dies while lifting, put more weight on the bar, and then call 999.
Shotgun is a responsibility, not a privilege. If you are sitting up front, you’re not a passenger, you’re the co-pilot.
Don’t throw a friend under the bus to impress someone. Ever.
When offered a beer, accept it even if it’s not your brand." Your favorite brand of beer is "free." Your second favorite is "cold."
If friend with truck assists you with moving, you shall reciprocate with a full tank of gas. Beer and pizza also accepted.
If your bro dies, delete his Internet history.
Be polite around your buddy’s lady friend, but when he asks what you think, lay the truth on him like a ten ton slab.
Unless it is super busy, there must always be a one urinal buffer between men in a restroom.
If you shake with a limp hand, you are acknowledging non-verbally to me that I’m in charge, even if we’ve just met.
When your bro’s girlfriend enquires about his whereabouts you know nothing, always.
If you and buddy are having a threesome with a girl, you can’t look each other in the eyes. But if you happen to accidentally look each other in the eyes, you have to high five!
The three-person concept of watching adult videos: One guy watching adult videos is cool. Three guys watching adult videos is cool. Two guys watching adult videos, not cool.
All groceries go from the vehicle to the house in one trip. It does not matter how many bags there are.
Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.
There are specific rules to the "head nod" when greeting another male. If you know them nod up, if you don’t you nod down.

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